La Antigua Guatemala
This test is for early detection of visual field defects caused by glaucoma and other diseases.
Optical biometry is used for accurate calculation of intraocular lens power for cataract surgery and phakic procedures.
This is corneal thickness measurement for glaucoma patients, before and after laser refractive surgery and before implanting intrastromal rings.
Early detection of conversion from Dry to Wet AMD. It is the only FDA cleared method for monitoring the conversion of Intermediate AMD to Choroidal Neovascularization. It is a non-invasive, quick and easy to use Perimeter that can detect Early Wet AMD before symptoms become noticeable to patients, enabling clinicians to refer for treatment when it is most effective.
Allows the calculation of IOL power to implant in cataract surgery. It is also useful in monitoring diseases like myopia, thyroid orbitopathy and other inflamatory diseases of the orbit.
This equipment displays the eyeball and its internal structures when you cannot evaluate them because of opacities or loss of transparency. It is useful to detect retinal detachment , intraocular hemorrhage, foreign bodies, tumors and can measure extraocular muscles.
It is a technique for examining the circulation of the retina and choroid using a fluorescent dye and specialized camera. It is used to diagnose problems in the eye ( tumors, retinal vein occlusion, macular oedema, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration) or to determine how well certain eye treatments are working.